Friday, March 21, 2008

Hot Potatoes

My sister and her husband were preparing dinner tonight. I asked if there was anything I could do to help and Sue told me to open the oven door and "check on the baked potatoes."

I opened the oven door, looked at them, and my glasses got all steamed up. I shut the door and told her they were still there and send their regards.

She got all exasperated with me and told me to FEEL them to see if they were done.

I told her they were HOT and I sure as h*ll was not going to stick my hand in the oven.

"Then use a POTHOLDER," she says, "if you are that much of a big baby."

I nosed around the kitchen but couldn't find a potholder.

"I can't find a potholder," I said.

"Just FEEL that d*mn potatoes to see if they are done," she says, with that TONE in her voice.

"No. They're too HOT," I say.

"Big baby," she says.

"Not either," I say.

Then she sticks her hands in the burning hot oven and feels the potatoes and pronounces them DONE.

She proceeds to pull them OUT of the oven and put them in a bowl. She does this without a potholder, just to spite me.

"Are too," she says

"AM NOT!" I say.

Under her breath, during dinner, she says, "ARE TOO!"

"I am NOT!" I hissed back.

Nobody in the family is sticking up for me.

Would YOU stick your hand in the oven to FEEL baked
potatoes that have been in there long enough to burn the
first layer of skin off your hand?


Paulie said...

No. I would probably grab a dishtowel or the bottom of her skirt! Happy Easter!

Chloe said...

Nope, not me! I'm with you. Plenty of other crazy things to do besides stick my hands in a hot oven, filled with hot stuff!
So when are you coming north on the 99 again? You are always welcome! I'm about half-way between your place and Sac City.