Sunday, May 21, 2006

Jackson and Osbaldo

Today, the kinders painted as a "may do" center over by the sink area in the classroom. All of the children love to paint so they are usually calm, quiet, and enthralled by the whole process. For some reason, Osbaldo Chavarin wanted to liven things up a bit. In the time it took me to refill some water cups, Osbaldo loaded his brush, wound up like a baseball pitcher, and flung paint from here to Palmdale. It splattered on the walls, the bulletin board, jackets, backpacks, paper, hair, and any other objects in the trajectory. He was chagrined to say the least - and I was too tired to do much more than shake my head and admonish him that painting of THAT sort was best done at HOME, in mom's LIVINGROOM, especially when she has new white carpet. Merri Lynn comes over to see what the commotion is about. "Osbaldo is being Jackson Pollack today, " I say, as the young artist stares at his shoes. Merri Lynn pauses. "I wonder what Jackson Pollack's kindergarten teacher said to him?"

"Hmmm...." I say, bending over to begin the clean up process. "She probably said something like, 'Jackson is being Osbaldo Chavarin today.' "

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