Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Diego and the Duck Joke

There is a joke I like to tell my students towards the end of the school year. Kindergarten kids, for the most part, don't understand jokes unless they have something to do with "underwear" "the bathroom," or "naked."

If the kids can retell the joke, it is always a good laugh and I often hear from parents later that they "loved the duck joke."

Okay. So the joke goes like this:

Duck walks into a supermarket and looks around for the manager. When he finds the manager he waddles up and says, "Hey! You got any gwapes?"

The manager says, "No. I don't got any gwapes."

Next day, the duck walks into the supermarket and looks around for the manager. When he finds the manager, he waddles up and says, "Hey! You got any gwapes?"

The manager answers, "NO! I don't got any gwapes!"

Next day, duck walks into the supermarket and looks around for the manager. When he finds the manager, he waddles up to him and says, "HEY! You got any gwapes?"

The manager stops what he is doing and yells at the duck. "NO! I don't got any gwapes. You come in here tomorrow and ask me for gwapes, I'm gonna staple your feet to the floor!"

Next day, the duck walks into the supermarket. He looks around for the manager. When he finds the manager, he waddles up to him and says, "HEY! You got any staples?"

The manager says, "No. I don't got any staples."

Duck says, "Good! You got any gwapes?"


Sometimes the kids get the joke and sometimes they don't. This is a "don't" year but that didn't prevent them from asking me to tell the joke again at lunch today.

Diego stops eating and excitedly tells the class that HE knows the joke and will tell it.

"Duck walks into the market. He says, 'hey, you got any grapes?'"

Then Diego stops. He is clearly thinking.

"What happened next, Diego?" I asked.

"Oh yeah!" he yells, getting up on his knees, arms waving wildly.

"Duck looks for the manager. He finds the manager."

"What did the manager say," I prompt.

Diego doesn't miss a beat.

"Manager says... GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!"


Chloe said...

Oh, Holy Moly! I have that. EXACT. Class!!
Well, except they are in prison.
They don't get any of my jokes, either.

Paulie said...

When I got your email I was going to respond that I had already read your posts I had missed today and even left comments on each. . . but I came back first. Actually, I wrote a new comment and then found out aol had bumped me and I lost it all so am here again.

I knew the ending before I read it! Guess all K teachers have learned to expect that sort of thing. Thanks for the "memories." Won't be long and you will saying goodbye to this group and hello to another even more challenging comic! lol

Jeremy said...

Need more duck jokes? You might want to look at http://duckjokes.blogspot.com.