Thursday, May 31, 2007

First, the Eviction Notices!

It is pretty official that I will be moving to Saddleback when it opens in January. You wouldn't have known it last week, but I am getting rather excited about it.

The picture at left represents some of the inhabitants of the new school site that are being asked to vacate the premises posthaste and forthwith. While some are slithering off to better digs, a few recalcitrant denizens are digging in for a court fight.

They have the home court advantage because so many of their second cousins are lawyers. This makes it difficult to enforce the order to vacate. You know how lawyers can keep things tied up forever in red tape.

It was suggested today in a Saddleback planning meeting that our new mascot could indeed be the sidewinder. Or the Mojave Green. But something tells me that these are not exactly warm and fuzzy mascots that will endear us to students and parents.

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